For the first of what i hope to be a series of battle reports to run on this new BMG focused blog, I and my good friend Andy got together to do a standard 350 rep game. Andy brought his fantastic looking Brave and the Bold crew and my movie Suicide Squad were choppering into Gotham. The scenario for the day was Asphalt Jungle which meant we could look forward to a good fight in the centre of the board.
The board was setup to represent one of Gotham's more rundown neighbourhoods using buildings, scatter and tiles from TTcombat, Knights of Dice and Multiverse Gaming Terrain. The burnt out cars were old dinky shells I got on ebay that were squashed and painted and the graffiti covered police car is courtesy of Iain Aitken.
The Crews.
The crew taken by myself was: movie Deadshot as boss, Rick Flag, movie Katana, movie Harley, and movie Captain Boomerang. I gave an Extra Magazine to Deadshot for his Custom MG and the Aerial Locator System equipment for Flag and the crew was good to go. I knew I would need to go hard for the objectives or I would lose Harley or Boomerang and I knew that team work would be essential or I would be overwhelmed by Andy's crew which included the Bat of Gotham himself.
For objectives I selected Medical supplies, Ammunition, Titan and a Loot. For my Strategies I selected Secret Objective to give me more options for point scoring and Patrol so I could get Boomerang as close to the loot as possible early on.
Andy had taken: Batman with an Upgraded Batsuit and Kevlar Cowl, Gordon with Heliport, Arkham Guard 1, Arkham Guard 3 with Sergeant Training, Foxtrot, Lerida with Extra Magazine, and Sierra. For his Strategies Andy took; Patrol, Rapid Response Training and I Am the Night with the Bat-signal, Ammunition and Medical Supplies as his objectives.
With the board setup and the crews ready for action, we went about doing the sewer and lamppost placement, followed by crews and objectives. Andy setup his on the side of the board with the Pawn Shop and placed Gordon on road on the edge of the board with his Swat team and Arkham Guards taking up position with the Batman behind the shop and a condemned tenant building.
I set up the Squad all behind the central tenant building on my side of the board or in the alley adjacent to give me quick access to my objectives turn 1. The exception to this was Flag who I setup on the same road as Gordon hoping to get a chance to take him out and put pressure on Andy's objectives with his long gun. The crews now being setup we drew the first token out of the bag...
The Game.

On Andy's side, Gordon threw a Heliport shot Flag's way (but to no affect) before moving up the board while Sierra moved onto his Ammunition. Arkham Guard 3 came out of the alley and took a shot at Katana but failed to find his target. At this pint I moved Flag up and using Multifire returned the favour but only managed to put 2 blood damage on him. So far neither me nor Andy was doing well on the dice.
Last to activate for the round was the Batman himself. Using Batclaw he zipped up onto the roof of the Pawn Shop and hurled a couple of Batarangs Boomerang's way. The dice were not in his favour and Boomerang got away with just a scratch.
As the round closed out Andy was on 3VP and I was on 6 (due to Andy not being able to turn on his Bat-signal). I had avoided having Harley or Digger having their heads blown off by Waller for failing to grab enough points by turn 2. For now.
Turn 2 began with Andy taking the lead, and the Bat was first to move. Batman steamrolled into Flag knocking him out and putting him out for basically the rest of the game. Harley made her way behind the burnt out car where I had placed my Medical Supplies and Ammunition objectives and hit Batman with a Confusion lowing his defence by 1.
Andy responded by having Gordon fix both Heliport and Hidden sniper on Deadshot. But, Andy's luck with the dice continued to be poor and all of them missed! I was getting lucky with Andy's dice even if my own were no better. Katana moved in to take advantage of Batman's confusion and hit him with several sword cuts, 1 of which went through doing 2 blood damage and knocking him down. Boomerang moved back into the alley and threw an inconsequential boomerang at Foxtrot.
Andy then used Foxtrot to turn on the Bat-signal and move in towards my objectives as Sierra stayed on the Ammunition. Deadshot now moved out of the alley and unleashed Bullet time on Sierra and Foxtrot killing the first and KO'ing the second. The turn ended with Lerida moving to the rooftop behind my objectives and Arkham Guard 3 firing at Deadshot (but to no affect). Andy had scored 8VP and I had scored 11 for round 2, giving me a narrow lead.
Turn 3 and Andy takes the lead again and puts Flag back into the black with a quick strike to the face (after he recovered, albeit briefly, from his previous KO). His other attacks failed to land on Katana and Batman moved away towards Andy's Medical Supplies objective. I activated Boomerang and threw some boomers at Lerida on the rooftop above (doing 1 blood and 1 stun) before moving to a safer position.
Lerida however, was still in the action and took aim at Deadshot. Luckily for me, Andy only got in 2 hits on Deadshot who then returned fire and put 2 more blood on Lerida. But, it wasn't enough to put him out of action which wasnt great for me. Gordon threw everything he could at Katana and managed to land 2 blood damage with a Hidden Sniper shot.
Gordon followed by Akrham Guard 1 moved up ready to contest my objectives next tun and Harley popped off a couple of shots at Gordon but again I couldn't hit a barn door from 10 feet away. I moved Katana in front of my objectives to try and stop Andy moving anyone on to contest next round while Arkham Guard 3 tried to finish off Deadshot with his Riot Gun, but he failed to find his mark. End of this round and Andy took 6 more VP and I took 8 managing to maintain my small lead.
For the 4th and as it turned out, final round due to time being short, I took the lead. I started with Deadshot and finished off Lerida (finally!) before moving up to contest Andy's Ammunition. Gordon then fired his pistol at Deadshot but as had become a regular occurrence for this game, Andy couldn't land any hits. Katana then moved over to finish off the unconscious Foxtrot, Arkham 1 moved in and contested my objectives and took a couple of shots at Harley with his baton but none landed.
Harley responded by thrashing Arkham 1 and KO'ing him allowing her to continue to score VP for me for this last round. Arkham Guard 3 and Boomerang exchanged some boomerangs and Riot Gun shots with neither hitting anything. Finally, Batman used his Batclaw to move onto his Medical Supplies and threw his last Batarangs at Boomerang scoring a resounding snake eyes for the final dice throw of the game. In that last round Andy had scored another 6VP and I had grabbed 13VP, but Andy gained 2 more from the Scenario by having Batman in my deployment zone at the end of the game.
The final score of the game was Andy on 25VP and myself on 38VP giving my Suicide Squad the win. My final thoughts on how things went, I recognise I got very lucky in a few places making key defensive rolls with blocks and dodges when I needed and with Andy having terrible luck on his hit and damage rolls. I had made 1 or 2 mistakes but luckily they hadn't ended with me getting completely creamed. I also made at least one rules mistake pointed out to me later by a friend, which was moving before using multi fire with Rick Flag. Andy got so unlucky and really should have got more VP than he did from putting down Flag and Katana for good at least, but he had clearly not sacrificed enough blood to the blood gods prior to the game.
- The Wizard shall return with more Bat reps in the near future.
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